T-Line Triple Lift messages
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Scott - DCSki Editor
January 8, 2003
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,251 posts
Hi folks,

Earlier this afternoon, a message was posted on the DCSki Message Forum from someone who identified him or herself as "Johnfnh", indicating that they had heard a lift at Timberline was broken down. After doing some investigation and contacting the resort, several alert and proactive DCSki readers determined that this information was incorrect. Tom Blanzy, General Manager from Timberline, also posted a note indicating that all lifts are in operation and the resort is planning for an upcoming weekend with lots of fresh snow and the Wendy's Ski Family Challenge Race.

I rarely edit or delete messages in the Message Forum, but have deleted this thread. (Unfortunately, there's no way to delete just one message in a thread without deleting the entire thread.)

This message had the appearance of being intentionally malicious, for two reasons. It included information that had no bearing in truth, and was posted using a username very similar to John Sherwood, one of DCSki's Columnists and a frequent Timberline visitor. (John Sherwood's username is "johnfmh"; the incorrect message was posted by "Johnfnh".)

In addition to deleting the thread, I have blocked further posts from the machine used to post the original message. Now, it is possible there is an innocent explanation for this and I'm eager to hear it -- if that is the case, the original author should contact me via e-mail with an explanation and I will make a determination as to whether to remove the block.

I have been very pleased with the useful information and engaging discussions that occur on the DCSki Message Forum -- it's truly a valuable resource. Because DCSki has never had problems, I allow users to post without the hassle of registering. Certainly, if any problems develop, I can clamp down the Message Forum and require all users to register and provide a valid e-mail address. I hope this isn't necessary, as I have a great deal of respect for DCSki's readers and want to make it as easy as possible for all of you to tap into the resources DCSki provides.

Please consider the messages you post and the audience that will view them. If you are passing on information that could affect peoples' purchases or trip decisions, verify the integrity of that information before posting it, and cite your source. If you are unsure about something, you may always send me an e-mail and I will look into it further. And if you have something negative to say, please frame it as constructive negative feedback.

Finally, don't take anything posted on the Message Forum as gospel. Due to the nature of the ski industry, I always encourage readers to call a resort prior to planning a visit. For example, conditions can change even on an hourly basis, so trip reports posted on DCSki are often out of date as soon as they go up.


- Scott, Editor, DCSki

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