DCSKI Gathering at T-line March 5-6
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March 2, 2005
Member since 11/15/2004 🔗
143 posts
Please post here if you will be at T-line this weekend. I think it would be great to actually meet some of you who post on this web site.

Since, I have never been to T-line before, I am not sure of what would be the best place to meet up if enough people are up to this.
March 2, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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QOTS, Wish I could, this is killing me, but leaving for UT Monday, promise to nieces and nephews to keep at 7springs this weekend...at least i'm skiing!

Stongly suggest YOU pick a place and time, like maybe the top of thunderdraft lift at the ski patrol hut at XX:XXam. Trying to meet on the slopes or in the lodge is too hard. Have fun, leave some for me.

March 2, 2005
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
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Everyone meet SQOTS and myselft at the top of thunderdraft lift at the ski patrol hut at 10:00am saturday. We both Ski. I will be wearing a blue / black marmot parke and black helm w/ White pants. SQOTS will be wearing powderblue helm and parka / black pants. She also has some vintage tomic poles with neon orange $-sign basktes. We will be sporting DCSKi pins on the google straps and big smiles.
March 2, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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Count me in for that. I'll be snowboarding and wearing a black protec helment with a few stickers and yellow shaded goggles. Along with that I will have a coat that the top half is a lightgrey/white with the bottom of the coat being a light blue. My pants will be light grey as well and my snowboard will be a blue/purplish "Forum" branded one.

Lets just see if I can leave the house by 7 this time to allow for the friggin slow tractors I've gotten behind the last two times I've went.
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
March 2, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
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I'll be there. Black Boeri Helmet, Blue North Face mountain jacket, Volkl 6 Stars. I really think this is THE WEEKEND folks. The stars are aligning and powder is our future.
March 2, 2005
Member since 11/9/2004 🔗
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John, you are right about this being the weekend for Timberline. I rode there this afternoon and it was unreal. Everything was open and there was still a lot of untracked areas. Drifts in the woods were waist deep or more in places. Light, dry powder with a good bit of drifting so Thunderdraft and Silver Streak are in really good shape. The Drop should only get better as we get more snow this week. I'll try to meet you guys too, red jacket black pants grey helmet, green K2 snowboard.
March 2, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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The only thing missing is pumphouse hucking by a certain individual.

Now lets see if I can master getting off the lift this time and dodge the 213432043 people infront of me who are laying there crashing unable to get up.
March 2, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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Who all is bringing a camera?

I'd bring my digital one but if it's too cold the batteries don't even work right out of the box. I may have to go for disposable though.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
March 2, 2005
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
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OK, looks like I'll be saving the whales in West Virginia this weekend. I'll also check up on Orca at Laurel Mtn on Friday afternoon.

Me: 6'1"; Atomic SX-9's; beige pants; beige, grey, carmel coat; blue hat with DC ski pins. Vintage bent ski poles and possible creative use of duct tape.

I'll try not to run over anyone before 10 AM. Mountain Dew finally kicks in around then. Just don't hang out at the bottom of the whales.

What time will the lifts open on Saturday?
March 2, 2005
Member since 12/29/2004 🔗
538 posts
Too bad I can't make Saturday, I would love to see some of the folks from the site tackle the Whales and maybe learn a thing or two. I was thinking of going over Friday. Its supposed to be my "Off Friday" and I this time may even get it off.
March 2, 2005
Member since 11/9/2001 🔗
221 posts
I believe the word is EPIC. I finally managed to pick the perfect weekend to ski T-Line. And yes, I will have my camera! I'll have a black Uvex helmet, blue/gray Columbia jacket and black ski pants. I've got yellow Dynastars with "Joe" written in sharpie marker on the tips. It can't get any better for a Florida boy. My friends from UF have been in the Caribbean all week, while I went back to central Florida to work at the newspaper and make some money. Now it's my turn to have some fun!!!
March 2, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Wow, a couple columnists, and half a dozen people at the top of the mountain/patrol shack at 10am. Lets see, that means being at Timberline at 9am to get on the lift at 9:15am to get to the top by 10am.
March 3, 2005
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Sorry I can't be there saturday. Maybe I will see most of you on Sunday though. I have a gray helment, dark blue decent jacket and black pants and will be on black rossi RPMs. Enjoy the snow for me!
March 3, 2005
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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Don't forget....the lifts begin accepting bodies at 8am on weekends at least for the next several weeks.
March 3, 2005
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
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I expect to be there on Sun. and will be easy to spot. My pole shafts have red and white Mad River stickers wrapped around them in lieu of a paint job. Also there is a swatch of green & black plaid hanging from one pole strap.
http://www.uvm.edu/skivt-l/?Page=.%2FFAQs%2Fgreenplaid.html&dir=.%2FFAQs and,

May I suggest that we wear a small square of duct tape on our helmets with DCS written on it. Those with a refined fashion sense may cringe, but I don't have any fashion sense.

I'll probably ski T'line in the AM and go to the backcountry in the PM.
March 4, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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Careful w/ the duct tape, Denis. You might be confused with one of us Native West Virginians.

March 4, 2005
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
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I'll be there saturday. Orange hat with black horizontal strips, green jacket.
March 4, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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Why do I get the feeling that with everyone meeting at the ski patrol hut at the top at 10... that the bowling ball affect will happen? Everyone standing there and someone straightshotting it off the lift and knocking everyone down. lol

5:30pm and it's snowing in wardensville with little sign of stopping. Radar shows enough to maybe get an inch or two out of the precip. I'll have pictures later on.
March 4, 2005
Member since 07/15/2004 🔗
585 posts
It's been snowing in Canaan Valley since around 2:30. So far, I'd say we've gotten 4-5" fresh. Not the lightest stuff, but at least they've deleted rain from the forecast until Sunday afternoon.

I will also be at Timberline tomorrow. I don't think I'll make it to the top by 10AM, will instead be getting my daughter into her ski lesson. I will be skiing in my red Northface jacket following my 3 year old dressed in her pink ski suit and helmet as she makes perfect turns all the way down the slopes!

JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
March 6, 2005
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
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Official attendance list:

queenoftheslopes, tromano, johnfmh, wgo, johnl

queenoftheslopes, tromano, ski_guy_59, denis, johnl

Sorry we missed you bawalker on Saturday.

Conditions were fantastic. Best Mid-Atlantic weekend of the year.

I'm sure trip reports and tales will follow. wgo has a good one to tell ....

I'll report on the whales.
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
March 7, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
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Official attendance list:

queenoftheslopes, tromano, johnfmh, wgo, johnl

queenoftheslopes, tromano, ski_guy_59, denis, johnl

Sorry we missed you bawalker on Saturday.

Conditions were fantastic. Best Mid-Atlantic weekend of the year.

I'm sure trip reports and tales will follow. wgo has a good one to tell ....

I'll report on the whales.

Definitely the best T-line weekend of the year by my estimation. It's kind of amazing to think that yesterday we were skiing in 20 degree temps with packed powder and today in DC, it is 60. WV is definitely a different world.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
March 7, 2005
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
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West Virginia is definitely a different world. I grabbed my winter jacket this morning for my drive to work, then realized it was nearly 60 degrees.
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
March 7, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
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It was great seeing you guys at the mountain. Timberline definitely delivered the goods this weekend. Even after Europe, I felt Timberline skied HUGE and offered great challenge. As Jim Kenney would say, there was a sense of exploration on every run--an infinite number of lines down the mountain. Unforgettable and to think, just 4 hours from DC!!! Who said that the Mid-Atlantic is the banana belt of North American skiing? A trip to Timberline this weekend would make these critics eat their words.

I hope this next week brings more snow than rain to the mountain.
March 7, 2005
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, let me also say that it was great meeting everyone on saturday. It really was an awesome day. I was afraid of getting my hopes up too much but the conditions really were all that I could have hoped for. Well, I guess I could have hoped for some untracked on the trails themselves but I'm trying not to be greedy

Johnfmh: how would you say the day compared to the weekend last april when tline got, what, 16 inches in a day?
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
March 7, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, let me also say that it was great meeting everyone on saturday. It really was an awesome day. I was afraid of getting my hopes up too much but the conditions really were all that I could have hoped for. Well, I guess I could have hoped for some untracked on the trails themselves but I'm trying not to be greedy

Johnfmh: how would you say the day compared to the weekend last april when tline got, what, 16 inches in a day?

I think that April day was my best memory of the mountain just because it was such an unexpected and incredible gift but this weekend ranks 2.
March 7, 2005
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
I have never seen conditions as good as those at T-Line on Saturday. Every turn was soft and smooth. Skiing the moguls on silverstreak and thunderdraft was like bouncing off clouds. The only ice anywhere was on Off the wall's infameous Whales. Even the whales, which are totally riddiculous, were very skiable if you were cuatios of the bulletproof back sides.

The company was awesome. I am glad to have had to oppotunity to ski with such great skiers and interesting people as I did this weekend. As helpful and cool as everyone is online, each is much better in real life.

I am not the most adventurous skiier in the world. I like off piste but would have never have ventured into T-Lines' Glades with out company. I was glad to have Dennis, WGO, and JohnL to follow behind through the trees. The worst fall of the weekend was when I lost a ski at cruising speed exiting the glades above salamander. My right ski clipped a snow making hose and I did a superman type swan dive right onto slamander. Luckily I was helmated and my goggles took most of the blow. I popped right back up surprised I hadn't been seriously hurt. I was able to go off piste for about 15 runs this weekend, all the glades on the mountian had great covereage. I don't think anyone reported any serious core shots / edge damage etc.. all weekend and we were in the trees every other run. It was a great weekend.
March 8, 2005
Member since 11/9/2001 🔗
221 posts
Hey all, if you could drop me a line... ski_guy_59@yahoo.com if I skied with you on Sunday, I'd like all of your last names for the trip report. If you were at the gathering on Saturday, but not Sunday, please drop me a line as well...
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
March 8, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts

Just go with usernames. Some people may want to remain anonymous.

BTW, one of my colleagues at work (a tough concept after last weekend) went to 7 Springs. I was amazed at how differemt the conditions were there compared to Timberline. Saturday was sunny at 7 Springs and snowing at Timberline. Very strange. Timberline earned its reputation last weekend as a snow hole. Incredible.
March 8, 2005
Member since 03/6/2004 🔗
175 posts
The snow hole has been filling up all day today again!Been snowing down here in the carolinas all day also..6"'s & counting.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
March 10, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,014 posts
Good deal folks. Looking forward to Jarrett's report and photos. Sorry I missed this rare convergence of good snow, good people, and good times! Is being tied up at Kirkwood and Heavenly a good enough excuse?

Will take me a while to report on CA trip, but plan to get pieces in on both. First time in the Tahoe region for me. In a nutshell, Heavenly - beyond beautiful, Kirkwood - beyond bodacious.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
March 10, 2005
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
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Is being tied up at Kirkwood and Heavenly a good enough excuse?

Is this a trick question, or what?

Jim, did you get a chance to ski Mott or Killebrew Canyons?
JimK - DCSki Columnist
March 10, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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No, should have for research purposes, but wanted to stick with my two intermediate level daughters on our first and only day at the resort, 3/8/05. Got close to Mott and Killebrew and in fact was surprised at how important the NV terrain is to the overall acreage of Heavenly. That place is gorgeous, but as you probably know, complicated to navigate for first timers doing a one-day-stand. Ungroomed areas like M & K Canyons were real heavy by Tuesday's 55 deg weather. In preceding days experienced comparable and very entertaining terrain at Kirkwood in cooler conditions and with relatives to watch over my kids. Kirk seemed to have more double black terrain, including much more above treeline, but hard for visitor like me to say that definitely since I didn't get a deep enough taste of Heavenly.

Sorry, I seem to be hijacking threads today.
March 10, 2005
Member since 03/6/2004 🔗
175 posts
Bodacious is better than beautiful? Or does that mean beautiful but more spacious? Anyway looks like there could be a DC ski class reunion with another foot of powder this weekend at T-Line!! Thats right folks another cold snowy weekend...Might have to wait for the SNOWY luau to get some bluebird ski conditions..& then again who knows? I think it was tromano on an earlier post that claimed the mid atlantic is typically a crud & ice zone...he must have been speaking of the lowland areas not the highlands!We have 2 Diff zones here & people tend to lump the highlands in with the lowlands when discussing the skiing here.The place gets a bad rap.NC mtns will be getting some fresh stuff too..sugar mtn will prob close out my skiing this year..POWDER PACKED POWDER garonTEED!! PS saw a beautifull pic of Mount Mitchell & the surrounding range & at 1st i thought i was looking at a pic of colorado! Some big mtns down south.Wish i knew how to post the pic

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