Big time crowd @ t-line on 2/19
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February 21, 2005
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
On a beautiful "hollywood"like day, the crowds at timberline were, in a word, epic. It was by far the biggest crowd that they have had in several years (at least in the lift lines). The snow was some of the best of the year and in a very un-timberline move, they were blowing snow as much as possible in spots all over the mountain.
February 21, 2005
Member since 12/23/2004 🔗
59 posts
Finally Timberline Opened a terrain park with a couple small jumps and some begginer rails. I don't know why it took so long for them to open it up, but it was alot of fun. And like the lift lines the park was packed. I was in there all day with my kids(or my kids where in there all day with me) and it was by far the most popular trail!

I'm a little older than most folks that play in the park, but I think I enjoy catching air more than my kids.

Hopefully the folks at timberline noticed how popular it was and will open it sooner next year. If they are smart they will actually try to open another terrain park on Bear Claw-it's been marked on the trail map for years now as a terrain park, but has never had a single jump or rail on it. They should put the little beginner rails they have up now over there and buy some bigger and longer rails and build bigger jumps over in the terrain park that is open now-that way they will have a beginner park and an expert park.

Oh yeah, the terrain park guy, I think ?? his name was Taylor, was doing a great job of keeping the jumps and rails shaped. I saw him out there several times during the day with the rake. When he wasn't raking the jumps and rails he was talking to all the kids in the park and getting people to stay clear of the landings. I talked to him for a minute or two and he was vary polite and seemed to be excited about everybody having a good time and being safe in there-he even spotted one jump for my kids and myself. I talked to him for a while and it sounds like he's doing all he can do to get Timberline on the same page as all the other resorts , as far as terrain parks go. He also said he reads DC SKI sometimes. If your reading Taylor ?? thanks for spotting the jumps for my kids and myself, and keep trying to get the terrain park(s) open at the beggining of the season.
February 22, 2005
Member since 12/15/2004 🔗
230 posts
Yes this was a fantastic weekend of fun. I got in Thursday nite around 9 and was thrid in line at the lift friday morning. the fresh snow they got thry thursday nite coupled with the man made really made a nice surface. skied as much as possible friday cause i knew come saturday with the conditions how they were that the mountain would be packed.

Saturday morning got out there and by 10:30 or so lift lines were at least 20 minutes if you werent a single. Wasnt upset though cause it ws nice to see all the folks having fun. Thats what its all about now isnt it. and i am sure you would eb hard pressed to find anyone that didnt have a good time this weekend

Some friends of mine were good acquantances of Jumbo Crayons (the band that played at Timbers Fri and Sat). They had a pretty good sound and we got a chance to hang and party with them til the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hours each nite. Was one HELL of a weekend
February 22, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
358 posts
Two good days... Saturday was by far the better of the deux. Soft snow, sunshine, moderate temps... ahh it was pleasant.

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