Week at masanutten pictures
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February 16, 2005
Member since 11/23/2004 🔗
222 posts
Overall on a scale of 1-10 Id give this trip a 8. (Any ski trip is always an 11 but just for good measure...) The only way it could of been better is if it wasnt so warm tuesday+wednesday. Every moening, the slopes were groomed so even on the days it was warm the snow was only slush at around 3pm... right before it turned to grandular. Night riding was ok, but it was always so sketchy. All the beginners would sideslip down the slope and create these giant stashes of ice pellets. Some of which were big enogh that I used them as a nice jump. This is why there are the groomers. On thursday, It turned cold and all snow that was under the loose top the previous night turned to hard pack. Thursday night especially there were patches of ice but most were only on the beginner slopes so I couldnt complain too much. Lift lines for the week? What lines?! The longest I waited all week was like a minute. There are barely any waits at the lift to the "expert slopes" which are really more like a steep intermideate but the trail rating they were given scares off beginners and most intermideates. My favorite trail has got to be pardice. An excellent cruiser with a few steeps on its mid-section make a perfect run and due to the low traffic, courderoy can be found on the sides of the slope until 3 or 4 on a not so buisy day. Man it was a great week and theres no way Ill have a better one until I go to vermont for some early season riding the first week of november .


A look up Rebel yell. Lots of machine powder on top so good carving.


A view of the main slopes.


3ft moguls on upper dixie dare due to spring conditions early in the week.


The top straight portion of Paradice.


Picture of a snowgun running (It was very loud) on the upper portion of Rebel Yell.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 17, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts
Nice stuff Snowmakers. You can really work on your moves over the course of a whole week at an empty ski area, even if the place isn't Mammoth. You can rack up some mileage on Dia Jim and Paradice even on weekends. I like those two. What were the exact dates you were there? Did you see more people at night or day?
February 17, 2005
Member since 11/23/2004 🔗
222 posts
I was there Feb 7th-13th. I saw more people ant night versus day bucase I guess many of them have day jobs in the area and come to the slopes after they get off work.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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