7 Springs/T-line 20-24 Jan
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johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
January 24, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
I just came back from a 5 day trip to 7 Springs and Timberline. The 7 Springs experience will be posted in the form of a Firsthand Report. Timberline, however, will be reported as a forum report.

All I can say is that I skied OTW today and it was SWEET. The guns were going and the snow was soft, which allowed me to ski a direct line over the ridges of the terrain features of that trail. It was unforgetable! Beautiful and brilliant. I was alone on the trail and I could take the sickest line with impunity. What is more, the soft new snow allowed me do get away with it. All I can say is wake up early tomorrow, drive to Timberline, and try to catch first tracks on OTW. You will not regret it.

PS I forgot to mention White Lightning. It was a real black diamond this weekend. T-line allowed the trail to bump up and today, the snow guns were runnning, which made the bumps soft and forgiving. It was heaven. You could run those moguls and look like a free style professional. It was wonderful and unforgetable.
January 25, 2005
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
485 posts
I'm envious

January 25, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
John, I'm leaving tonite
January 25, 2005
Member since 12/15/2004 🔗
230 posts
T-Line was beautiful this past weekend. Saturday was a bit crowded as could have eben expected. Sunday the crowds thinned considerably and then Monday was a ghost town. Was out early Monday prior to heading home and could not have been more perfect. With the additional runs open I basically didnt see another soul until i got back to the lift. Rode up by myself every run. Still a bit confused that the terrain park isnt open (i ski but for boarders i empathize). Possibly early February they will bring out the pipes for you all. One thing though on Sunday it was unbelievably cold at the top. I mean burning skin cold. Thought forst bite was setting in at one point.
January 25, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
358 posts
Eh... Timberline is more of a natural terrain park... esp. the way they groom Dew Drop and leave OTW and Cherry Bowl area untouched.

According to one lift passenger when you rip air over a tree stump on Sliver Streak you have become "An ANIMAL!! ANIMAL!!! *Insert Howl Here*".
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
January 25, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts

Eh... Timberline is more of a natural terrain park... esp. the way they groom Dew Drop and leave OTW and Cherry Bowl area untouched.

According to one lift passenger when you rip air over a tree stump on Sliver Streak you have become "An ANIMAL!! ANIMAL!!! *Insert Howl Here*".

I hope you did not run into a deer. Deer are sometimes more of a hazard than people on some of the slopes at Timberline.

I'm still thinking and dreaming about OTW. On Sunday, the terrain features on that trail pooped me. I just could not see how it was possible for a mere mortal to get down that trail, but fortune does favor the bold. A chance encounter with Adam Chase, one of the notorious Flying Chase brothers of WV, on the lift changed my outlook. In a long, somewhat philosophical conversation with Adam, I changed my mind. Adam warned me that some of the landings on OTW were "sketchy" but I could always "bail" by skiing the left side of the trail. Armed with information, I went down that trail on Monday, but because of all that new, soft snow, I had no reason to take the bailout. I could go "hey diddle diddle straight down the middle." Oh what fun it was--priceless moments brought to you by Timberline Four Seasons Resort.
January 26, 2005
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,562 posts
Those terrain features on OTW were a blast last year, and I skied them during a weekend when all of T-Line was pretty firm. I can imagine how much fun they were on soft snow.

Looks like you're back to loving T-Line again.
January 26, 2005
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
I need to go to T-Line.
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
January 26, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts

I need to go to T-Line.

Go this weekend. You will not regret it. When Timberline is good, it's paradise for advanced skiers. There's really no out of bounds at this mountain and that's what makes it so great. As Jim Kenney once remarked about Blue Knob, there's always a sense of discovery at Timberline, and that's why I can ski this place so often and not get bored.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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