Bumps at Massanutten?
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7 months ago
Member since 02/19/2023 🔗
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I'm a new resident in the southeast.  I can get to Massanutten pretty easily and am wondering if it maintains a bump run of any kind through the season.  If yes, does anyone have any stories about how the conditions vary through the season?

I am used to New England bumps.   

7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,669 posts

Massanutten generally has a bump run. In years past Upper Mak Attack would have bumps. These were usually oddly shaped and irregularly sized but still fun. This year Mak Attack has been groomed most of the season but the new No Hessitation run was allowed to bump up. Note though that these bumps were recently groomed as well, but I think the plan is to allow them to grow again.

In addition, Mnut will sometimes have a second bump run with more regularly formed bumps. I guess these are seeded? These have been on Paradice in past seasons but are on Showtime this season. This does not happen every season.

In general Mnut is worth checking out. It is not New England obviously but they have added several runs recently and do a good job getting things open. This region has a solid core of dedicated skiers and several ski areas you may want to check out.

marzNC - DCSki Supporter 
7 months ago
Member since 12/10/2008 🔗
3,297 posts

What I've found with Massanutten bumps is while they are okay for learning absorption and extension, the bump sections are too short to really improve bump technique unless someone is very committed to just repeating them.  I started to learn what to do to simply "flow" down bumps working with Walter.  With the seeded bumps on Showtime, that means riding the Ridge triple instead of the Peak express lift.

I consider it a good season if there are bumps at Mnut for 3-4 weeks.  Usually happens by February, but can happen a bit earlier when Mother Nature cooperates for snowmaking.

For practicing bumps, driving from DC to Timberline makes more sense.

7 months ago
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,669 posts

 Not this year. Everything is groomed including the more advanced terrain. Proto bumps were forming on Off the Wall today but I dont know if they plan to let them keep forming

marzNC wrote:

For practicing bumps, driving from DC to Timberline makes more sense.

marzNC - DCSki Supporter 
7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)
Member since 12/10/2008 🔗
3,297 posts

wgo wrote:

 Not this year. Everything is groomed including the more advanced terrain. Proto bumps were forming on Off the Wall today but I dont know if they plan to let them keep forming

marzNC wrote:

For practicing bumps, driving from DC to Timberline makes more sense.

Yeah, nothing is consistent about bumps in the southeast and MidA. 

Fair to say that the only reason I learned to ski bumps pretty well in the past 5-6 years because I did Taos Ski Weeks annually starting in 2018.  Partially because Taos always has baby bumps, medium bumps, and bigger bumps on steeper terrain.  Other destination resorts in the Rockies don't usually have the variety of bump terrain that can be found in Taos for assorted reasons.

7 months ago
Member since 01/23/2022 🔗
24 posts

 Hiya Liquid and welcome to the area.  My handle is Recbumper over on Skitalk, seen ya there sometimes :)

We have a really fun bump scene over at Liberty.  C'mon over & ski with our gang at some point if fun for ya.

Or if Lib is too far let us know and we could come down to Massanutten and help you set up bumps down there.  With a few skiers it only takes 1-2 hours to set up a nice mogul line.

Cheers & regards

LiquidFeet wrote:

I'm a new resident in the southeast.  I can get to Massanutten pretty easily and am wondering if it maintains a bump run of any kind through the season.  If yes, does anyone have any stories about how the conditions vary through the season?

I am used to New England bumps.   

7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,669 posts

Here is a recent video I found showing the non-bumped No Hessitation and the seeded Showtime bumps at Massanutten. Showtime section starts at about 1:30.


7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,281 posts

Not bad to practice zippers, no stress! Or more my speed now that I am 62 😊(nah). Although - this is the return at Heavenly Gondola one day my honey and I came upon it and I said "ruh roh I think we are committed here" and she was terrified. She did really well a few pauses and was exausted at the end but nothing like pressure to make it happen! She had to pee really bad so there you go.


wgo wrote:

Here is a recent video I found showing the non-bumped No Hessitation and the seeded Showtime bumps at Massanutten. Showtime section starts at about 1:30.


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