Things are never so bad they couldn't be worse
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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
December 7, 2004
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Yes, I'm bummed that there's practically no skiing in mid-atlantic yet, it seems so late in the "Season". Advancing age sometimes smooths the rough edges off the memory so I looked back through my detailed, meticulous records and discovered:

03/04 Season, First Day(s) 12/6 & 12/7, so that's not to bad now is it? 2 days behind last year so far. And don't forget the fortunate few who made turns @ Snowshoe Dec 3.

For the Could be worse, how about the 01/02 season? My first day was 12/22 @ 7 Springs and they only had Wagner and Fawn/Phillips open.

I'm curious who's behind last year, when and where was your first day. Come on, send a reply, it's good therapy.

Chins up, the season is just around the corner.
December 7, 2004
Member since 12/7/2004 🔗
824 posts
Last year i went to whitetail on 12/22 and they were blasting us w/snow all day...but i was hoping to start much earlier this year
December 8, 2004
Member since 10/12/2004 🔗
2 posts
I was at 7 Springs on the same weekend last year, 12/22, and every trail was open. It even snowed for most of the day so we got a fresh layer of pow pow.

Hopefully this cold snap next week will allow everyone to start making snow. Sixty degree days on December 8th can't be good, but I'm still hoping for a good season.

I wised up this year...I'll be in Breckenridge Dec 16-21...they've got plenty of snow.
December 8, 2004
Member since 12/31/2001 🔗
113 posts
I think this attitude is good. Anyone who's lived here more than 4 years knows that December is a crap shoot for skiing. I usually get my pre-season turns in at Snowshoe since they have seem to be able to get the mountain open and it's the only time their prices seem inexpensive.

If anyone is at fault it's resorts for setting opening dates too early. I'd rather they set a date like Dec 20th or later. That way we are more likely to be suprised with early openings than feeling down with delayed openings.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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