TLM content starts around the 1 hour 30 minute mark. Some Indy Pass discussion near the end.
I skipped ahead to the 1:30 mark. From their perspective, those are some interesting insights into the local market and culture. The interior Mid-A will benefit from the competition the Perfects can provide. Timberline has some of the best terrain in the region, and it can give Epic and Ikon resorts a run for the money. The talk about their interest in possible future acquisitions is really exciting. If and how soon will no doubt depend on how well Timberline does over the next few years. There might be hope for Blue Knob.
Found this about the auction in 2019.
November 2019: Timberline ski resort sold at auction for $2.2 million
" . . .
Perfect North Slopes was the second-highest bidder at an auction this week, but high bidder First Asset Holding LLC agreed to assign its bid of $2.2 million to Perfect North Slopes in exchange for $30,000 cash.
. . ."
Yeah, BK would be a good for them. It'd be priced right around what they paid for T-Line. BK was sold for somewhere between $1.5-1.7 million, though no telling which way the value has gone. The owners are skiers, but not ski biz vets - mostly doctors lawyers and vets. Definitely not their focus or primary biz - and BK isn't really turnkey either. My guess is they each kicked in about $100k and bought it together.
The Fiores from Altoona supposedly bid on it too and had a better offer but it stalled for some reason. They would have had the money to invest.
The Perfects could probably turn that place around too. I don't know how much it cost to get T-line operational again, though I remember the talk here was that in pretty rough shape - perhaps worse than BK. Would they have the money or financing to do it?
If they don't grab it, I'd like to see Boyne or Alterra grab it. Vail needs some competition - especially in that region.
Definitely 30k well spent. I doubt it would have gotten the needed love from a company like that.
marzNC wrote:
Found this about the auction in 2019.
November 2019: Timberline ski resort sold at auction for $2.2 million
" . . .
Perfect North Slopes was the second-highest bidder at an auction this week, but high bidder First Asset Holding LLC agreed to assign its bid of $2.2 million to Perfect North Slopes in exchange for $30,000 cash.
. . ."
Blue Knob is in worse shape as far as on hill utilities go. Timberline was in poor condition, but apart from a few recently replaced sections of pipe everything at Blue Knob is expired or very close to it. Blue Knob also needs a rehab of their main pond, and their top to bottom lifts are very tightly integrated into the trail network - replacing and recertifying them may mean losing trails, much like Thunderdraft isn't on the Timberline map. Oh, and their one big lift in decent shape shares towers with and crosses the alignment of the two lifts you'd really want to replace first.
Blue Knob does have a working air compressor, and air lines, which Timberline doesn't - low energy guns like HKD Impulse towers or sleds could be swapped out with the current HKD Standards, Larchmont Z-1, and (shockingly) even older Larchmont guns for 1/2 the price per gun or cheaper as compared to manual Polecats. Also at least part of the trail lighting system still works. And there's just less mountain overall to fix.
If they do take it over, I'd hope that they would stretch the lift that couple of extra feet to be taller than Blue Mountain in Eastern PA - there's plenty more elevation available.
Thefirewarde wrote:
If they do take it over, I'd hope that they would stretch the lift that couple of extra feet to be taller than Blue Mountain in Eastern PA - there's plenty more elevation available.
I remember the bottom 70' being pretty flat, but it's been a while...