Firsthand Report: Opening Day at Liberty Mountain Resort 3
By Ed Fowler, Guest Author

Opening day for any sport you like is a good day. This year winter came early and so did opening day for skiing and snowboarding at Pennsylvania’s Liberty Mountain Resort on December 6, 2008. I arrived at noon, and the temperature was 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

There were seven trails open (45% of terrain) with a mix of beginner and intermediate runs. Snowmaking was in progress all day on most trails except Lower Ultra. The base was 8 inches, with a few thins here and there but nothing to really worry about. Three lower trails and one upper trail were open on the back. Whitney’s Way had almost whiteout conditions. The park was open with a few features. No lift lines at all. Expect more trails to open this week.

The mountain was laying a base on Upper Ultra and Lower Blue Streak. At 3 pm the natural snow came in and it was truly a winter wonderland. I met old friends and made some new ones. It’s all about getting out, and sharing a smile.

A snowboard class at Liberty Mountain Resort on December 6, 2008. Photo provided by Ed Fowler.

For beginners now is the time to save. The Learn to Ski or Snowboard Package is only $39, and class lessons for any ability level are only $10 from opening day thru December 23, 2008 for ages 8 and up. I took advantage of the $10 class lesson that really was a one-on-one with Joe Moore. Joe was able to diagnose some issues after speaking with me and watching my body coming down the hill. He taught me specific drills to try and kept an eye on me and offered instruction. Joe is a great instructor, patient, and I highly recommend him. Joe is very knowledgeable. I feel lucky to have had his time today.

The Lower Ultra Trail on the Backside of Liberty. Photo provided by Ed Fowler.

Once the class concluded, it was time to venture to the learning slope to practice the inside ski drills. I was getting the hang of it by the fourth run. Off to the backside of the mountain for a few more runs down the intermediate trails. I would rate the conditions of the day as a “C.” Once the base doubles and a few more trails open the rating will be in the “B” range. If you are looking for information on the Liberty Night Club Card see or email

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About the Author

Ed Fowler has been skiing and racing for over a decade. He is Team Captain of Zardoz Renegades, runs a Night Club Pass program and enjoys photography.

DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

Reader Comments

December 8, 2008
Thanks for the report Ed. I hope to get up there soon. Those early season $10 lessons at Snowtime resorts are a great deal especially for advanced skiers/boarders, who often get a near-private experience. Plus they give you good form thoughts to work on for the rest of the season.
From your experience, in a good early winter like this will some of the steeps on the backside form big bumps by Christmas?
Ed Fowler
December 8, 2008
TOTAL Rating : B-
up to 50% OPEN more trails added this week!!!
15 inch base

Should be real nice soon.
Ed Fowler
December 9, 2008
Priority goes to opening new terrain first.
then build bases to 2 feet. then bumps can be created on upper eastwind and strata.

too early to tell. lets hope for the snow of 2 to 4.
everything helps.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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