Mother Nature Provides First Taste of Snow
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

With temperatures dipping into the 20’s and teens in the mountains of the mid-Atlantic, Mother Nature provided a taste of the approaching ski season on Monday, October 23, 2006 with some light snowfall.

According to Wisp's Lori Epp, the flurries started before dawn.
Light snow fell throughout the morning on October 23, 2006 at Maryland’s Wisp Resort. According to Wisp’s Lori Epp, the flurries started before dawn. Photo provided by Lori Epp / Wisp Resort.
The temperature at the West Virginia Resort dipped down to 17 degrees.  Snowshoe hopes to begin snowmaking by the second week of November.
One inch of snow had fallen at Snowshoe Mountain Resort by Monday night. The temperature at the West Virginia Resort dipped down to 17 degrees. Snowshoe hopes to begin snowmaking by the second week of November. Photo provided by Andrea Smith / Snowshoe Mountain Resort.
A dusting in the Canaan Valley region of West Virginia was expected to accumulate to two inches. “The flakes are big and fluffy; it is so nice to see the snow,” remarked Laura Reed of Canaan Realty. Photo provided by Laura Reed / Canaan Realty.
Canaan Realty's Laura Reed drove on the new section on Sunday, October 23.
Corridor H from Wardensville to Moorefield recently opened, cutting the travel time to West Virginia resorts. Canaan Realty’s Laura Reed drove on the new section on Sunday, October 23. “It is a beautiful stretch of road to say the least,” she said. “One of the most scenic drives I have been on with the leaves at peak the whole way!” Photo provided by Laura Reed / Canaan Realty.
A stretch of the newly-opened Corridor H. Photo provided by Laura Reed / Canaan Realty.
About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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