Whitetailtele to Sponsor Tele-Day at Whitetail February 19
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Whitetailtele, a group of local tele skiers who frequent Pennsylvania’s Whitetail Resort, will be sponsoring their third annual Teleday on February 19, 2006 at Whitetail. During the event, PSIA Nordic Examiners and Level Three instructors will be on hand to challenge and offer advice to skiers of all levels.

The event will begin on February 19 with a “Meet and Greet” from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. in the lower-level Arcade area of Whitetail’s main lodge. During this time, equipment will be fit properly and individuals will be divided into groups based on ability level. Visitors will then spend the rest of the day skiing and receiving tips.

Participants must have their own equipment. Tele equipment can be rented either at Whitetail Mountain Sports, or Ski Center in Washington, D.C. To check on availability of equipment at Whitetail, contact Dusty Wissmath at 717-328-9400. Or call Brian Beaumont at the Ski Center at 202-966-4474.

The cost of the event is $40 for the entire day, not including lift ticket or rentals. Whitetail is also offering a $45 discounted group lift ticket and an $8 meal voucher for use in the Market Place, available at the Guest Services Group Sales Desk (not at an outside lift ticket window).

To RSVP for the event or to ask questions, contact Brian or DeLaine Wilhoite at bkwilhoite@adelphia.net or 540-288-8860, or contact Tom Nissel at teletroller@yahoo.com or 540-785-7020.

Note that this is not a PSIA certified event, and does not have an affiliation with the Whitetail Ski School.

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About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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