DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort
News Briefs
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Camelback Ski Corporation changes hands

On June 14, 2005, Pennsylvania’s Camelback Ski Corporation was purchased by Arthur B. Berry III, an entrepreneur with deep roots in the Pocono Mountains area. Berry formed a company called CBH20, which has assumed operation of the Camelback Ski Area and Camelbeach Waterpark.

Prior to the purchase, Sam Newman had served as President and CEO of the Camelback Ski Corporation for the past 19 years.

“While the decision to step down was difficult, the operations of Camelback will be in great hands under Arthur Berry’s leadership,” said Newman. “Much like predecessors and myself, Arthur is a man deeply rooted in the area.”

Camelback employs a staff of more than 800 at the height of the winter season, and hosts over 700,000 visitors annually. The ski area opened in 1963.

“Many of the more than 800 employees working at Camelback have been members of the Camelback family for 10, 20, or even 30 years,” said Berry. “The success of Camelback depends on our employees and I plan to keep all of our staff employed and will continue to create employment and career opportunities for them and other area residents,” he said.

For more information visit www.skicamelback.com.

Timberline Resort recognized by Navy for service to military personnel

Over the weekend of December 10-12, 2004, West Virginia’s Timberline Resort provided free skiing to military personnel. In recognition for the resort’s efforts to make skiing affordable to active duty service men and women, Timberline was recently recognized by the U.S. Navy.

Timberline owners Dr. Fred Reickle, M.D., Frederick Herz, and Rita Haverty’s Mountaintop Realty were invited to a formal ceremony on June 29, 2005 to receive Honorary Plank ownership in the Blue and Gold of the Navy League at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station. The Honary Plank signifies patriotic service by civilians to the Navy. The awards were presented by Captain Pat Bowling (Ret.) of the Navy League, and Rear Admirals Tim Healey and Paul H. Engel. Undersecretary of the Navy, Dionel M. Avile, was also in attendance. Engel also submitted a letter of appreciation to Senator Byrd (WV), which he requested be read into the Congressional Record.

“We’re deeply honored, as you might imagine,” said Herz. “We wanted to make winter recreation more affordable to the military, because it’s the least we can do in exchange for our profound indebtedness to them. This recognition is a wonderful surprise. It is one that we will never forget.”

Timberline is one of the few remaining family-owned ski resorts in the country, and is within driving distance of a number of military installations and active-duty personnel.

Massanutten Resort prepares for “Hoo-Ha!” race

The 17th Annual Massanutten Hoo-Ha! Cross Country race will be held Sunday, August 14, 2005 at the Virginia resort. The race is a classic one-lap event. Several race categories in different age classes will be offered, ranging from a 40-mile XXC course to a 0.75-mile kid’s course.

On-line pre-registration is available, offering a $5 discount for registrations before August 11. Free camping will be offered at primitive camping sites on Massanutten’s Western Slope; condo or hotel lodging will also be available.

For more information visit http://www.massresort.com/2003/Amenities/mtnbike/events.htm.

New gondola opens up ski opportunities in the Himalayas

Interested in an unconventional ski adventure? The first major ski resort in the Himalayas is set to open, after the installation of a gondola. Located in the Kashmir region of India, the new gondola, located in Gulmarg, shuttles skiers and snowboarders up 1,330 vertical meters (over 4,300 feet) to the top station, located over 13,000 feet above sea level.

Skiing in the Himalayas is not for everyone, although it is becoming easier to visit the region. The U.S. State Department recommends that U.S. citizens avoid travel to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, due to continuing political unrest in those regions and a history of terrorist acts.

For more information visit www.skihimalaya.com.

About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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