Snow in Forecast?
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

We don’t like to carelessly use the “S” word here at DCSki, but it appears the first snowflakes may fall in the area starting around Friday. Johnstown, Pennsylvania is witnessing a snow shower today, and snow is expected to return for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to the north and west of Baltimore.

At the current time, no significant accumulation is predicted, and the snow showers may flirt with rain and sleet, as they frequently do in this area. The good news is that nighttime temperatures will remain below freezing, offering local ski areas a chance to fire up the snow guns.

Some resorts may skip the opportunity, however - it is still early November, and unless temperatures remain low, resorts could lose a lot of money by “jumping the gun.” Snowmaking is an expensive operation for resorts; if temperatures return to “normal” levels next week, the snowmkaing will be for naught.

The trend seems clear, though: the daytime high temperature for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for Sunday is currently forecast at 23 degrees, with a nighttime low of 15. Those temperatures are ideal for round-the-clock snowmaking.

West Virginia’s Snowshoe Mountain Resort has already seen its share of snow showers this winter, and has been making snow whenever temperatures have been low enough. Snowshoe originally planned on opening this Friday, but Snowshoe’s Joe Stevens sent DCSki a note saying they are pushing the date back to November 21 so they can open with “double digit trail numbers.” Nearby Silver Creek Ski Area is expected to open around Thanksgiving.

All signs are pointing to an early season. Be sure to check back with DCSki regularly to find out the latest on opening dates for area resorts.

About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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