Ski Conditions Continue to Improve
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

The recent stretch of cold temperatures has been a year-end blessing for area ski resorts, allowing for some very productive snowmaking. Some natural snow has also been in the mix. The consistently cold temperatures have allowed resorts to expand their trail count, with many resorts opening an additional trail or two each day.

Most resorts in the region are reporting machine-groomed, packed powder conditions. Snowmaking continues as weather progresses, so bringing goggles is always a good idea. Milder temperatures are expected to enter the region starting this weekend, but with strong base depths, resorts should be able to hold out until colder temperatures return while offering some great conditions.

A summary of current conditions at resorts in the D.C. area is provided below.


Blue Knob is reporting 15-18 trails open, and has received 8 inches of natural snow, bringing average base depth up to 28-50 inches. Conditions yesterday were powder, and snowmaking continues.

Hidden Valley has 15 trails open with a base depth of 20-28 inches and packed powder conditions. The resort has received several inches of natural snow. Snow tubing is also open.

The recently-reopened Laurel Mountain Ski Area has 8 trails open with groomed powder conditions on a 36 inch base. 1 quad and 3 surface lifts are in operation; additional trail openings are expected soon.

Nine trails are currently open at Ski Liberty, including beginners Nova, Sneaky Pete, and Dispy Doodle; intermediates Heavenly, Whitney’s Way, and Lower Ultra; and experts Blue Streak and Upper Ultra. The Snowboard Park is also open. Average base is 12-18 inches with packed powder conditions.

Seven Springs had 22 trails open yesterday with a base depth of 10-30 inches and powder/packed powder surface conditions. 6 chairlifts and 4 surface lifts are in operation. Additional trail openings are expected soon.

Ski Roundtop has 11 trails open, including the Discovery Area, beginners Powderhorn, Drummer Boy, Fanny Hill, Fife & Drum, and Magic Mountain; intermediates Lower Lafayette’s, Minuteman, and Exhibition; and experts Upper Lafayette’s and Ramrod. The Halfpipe is open for snowboarders. Base depth is 12-28 inches with packed powder conditions.

Whitetail Resort has opened all of its beginner terrain, as well as intermediates upper Angel Drop and Homerun, connecting to make a top-to-bottom run off the Whitetail Express quad. Base depth is 19-28 inches with a packed powder surface. All lifts are in operation except the Launching Pad surface lift and the Expert’s Choice quad. Snowmaking has been underway on experts Drop In and Bold Decision, and the resort reports that these trails will open very soon, possibly as early as Wednesday.


Wisp Resort has been opening new trails daily; as of yesterday the count was around 18. Base depth ranges from 22-48 inches and the resort has also received some natural snow. Surface conditions are packed powder. Four lifts are in operation as needed.

West Virginia

Canaan Valley has 17 trails open, and expects to open an additional 9 slopes today. 3 lifts are in operation. Packed powder conditions can be found on a base depth of 22-62 inches. The resort has received 7 inches of natural snowfall over the past two days.

Things keep getting better at Snowshoe Mountain Resort. A healthy 48 trails are now open; Snowshoe’s trail count should reach 100% in the near future. Average base depth is 18-60 inches with packed powder conditions. Expert Shay’s Revenge in the Western Territory may open as early as this weekend, joining Cupp Run, which opened late last week. Snowshoe has been adding features to its Terrain Park. The Ruckus Ridge Tubing Hill is also open.

Twelve trails are open at Timberline Resort, with a powder surface on a 34-50 inch base. Two lifts are in operation.


Massanutten Resort has 7 trails open, including 3 beginner, 2 intermediate, and 2 advanced. Base depth is 24-30 inches with machine groomed conditions. Snow tubing is also open.

Wintergreen is reporting 6 open trails with a base depth of 24-40 inches and packed powder conditions. Beginners Upper and Lower Dobie, Upper and Lower Cross Trail, Potato Patch, and intermediate Eagles Swoop are open. Snowmaking is underway on experts Upper Cliffhanger and the Terrain Park.

About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

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