One by One, Resorts Conclude Their Season
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Local ski resorts are beginning to shut down the lifts for the season as skiers and boarders turn their thoughts to springtime activities. Resorts in Virginia have already closed, while resorts across Pennsylvania and West Virginia close at the end of the weekend. Some resorts aren’t ready to call it quits yet; for example, West Virginia’s Snowshoe Mountain Resort still has a base depth of 76-104 inches, and will stay open another couple weeks.

After a slow start, the season began to pick up in late February and early March with low temperatures and natural snow. This has allowed local resorts to claim a long season this year, partially erasing thoughts of last year, when El Niño forced many resorts to end their season early.

In West Virginia, Canaan Valley, Timberline, and Winterplace will end their season on Sunday, March 28. 35 trails will be open at Canaan with machine groomed, loose granular conditions, while Timberline will have 28 trails open. Winterplace will have 21 trails open with loose granular conditions.

Snowshoe Mountain Resort is in no hurry to close, with all 56 trails open and a base depth of 70-104 inches. The resort is reporting frozen/loose granular conditions. The resort plans to close April 11, but may extend its closing date by a week if skiers and boarders continue to show up.

Ski Liberty will close its slopes on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. 11 slopes are open with springlike conditions. Lift tickets will be $25 on Sunday, and include a $10 voucher good off a lift ticket next season.

Whitetail will also end its 1998-99 ski season on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. Six trails will be open with a base depth of 12-20 inches. Conditions are springlike with some bare spots.

Ski Roundtop will close its 14 open slopes on Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Base depth is 14-36 inches with wet packed snow conditions.

Blue Knob had planned to remain open until March 31, when it hoped to provide free skiing and boarding to close out the season. However, Blue Knob closed for the season on March 28.

Blue Mountain will also close for the season on March 28.

Seven Springs remains open with 28 runs and granular, machine groomed conditions, but will temporarily close for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The resort plans to open next Thursday and stay open through next weekend. Thin areas do exist.

Virginia ski resorts have all closed for the season, including Bryce, Massanutten, the Homestead, and Wintergreen.

About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort

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