DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
Firsthand Account: Liberty
By a DCSki Reader

Happy Holiday Weekend! What a great weekend for skiing at Ski Liberty! Despite the recent meltdown, the resort has suffered relatively few casualties - Freedom Trail, Upper Strata, and the Snowboard Halfpipe closed, but the rest of the trails remain open. Because of large and somewhat numerous barespots, Liberty had to do some creative trail maintenance over the past several days (i.e., no more bumps on lower Eastwind).

Sunday turned out to be a great day of skiing. After several nights of snowmaking, all the bare spots were essentially gone and the snow was terrific. In fact, skiers that got out early Sunday morning were treated to snow that was almost on par with the constarch powder out west. Naturally, this disappeared as the day warmed up and the skiers and boarders came out en masse. However, the skiing stayed enjoyable right up to the usual refreeze hour (about 5 p.m.) After that, eastern hardpack (i.e., ice) made a reappearance.

Despite the holiday weekend, crowds up at Liberty never got too large. The wait at the lift line on the front side was five to ten minutes and the lift lines on the back were a mere couple of minutes. Too bad the same can not be said for the lift ticket lines and the rentals lines (both for skiers and boarders). Waits in those lines seemed to last forever with staff that could use some lessons in customer relations and simple courtesy. Your best bet would be to rent skis or a board from a local area shop the day before heading up. That way, you can avoid at least one line - of course, there’s always the ski swaps later next fall for great deals on used equipment!

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