DCSki Sponsor: The Omni Homestead Resort
Condition Roundup
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

The following summarizes current conditions at area resorts.

Ski Liberty

Ski Liberty is currently closed. The resort will re-open if colder temperatures return and snowmaking can resume, although the long-term forecast does not look favorable.


Picture 183 inches of snow. A lot of snow? You bet. While the D.C. area has received a lot of rain this winter, West Virginia’s Snowshoe has received a total of 183 inches, including 4 new inches Wednesday night. Current conditions are groomed packed powder, with a base depth from 40-88 inches. All 54 trails are open. Snowmaking continues, and Snowshoe expects to be open well into April.

Ski Roundtop

Ski Roundtop reopened Wednesday after closing for the beginning of the week. Base depth is up to 18 inches with spring-like conditions. 7 trails are open. One DCSki reader visited the resort on March 1 and summed up the situation as “typical mud-skiing conditions.” Things may have improved a bit, as Roundtop received natural snow on Tuesday. Roundtop may also be able to make snow Thursday night.

Seven Springs

Seven Springs has received several inches of new snow and is reporting a base depth of 40-48 inches, with 14 slopes and 16 trails open. Conditions are packed powder.


Whitetail has suspended operations due to - let’s face it - a lame excuse for winter. The resort has not ruled out reopening if snowmaking temperatures return, but temperatures did not get low enough earlier this week for effective snowmaking. Whitetail may make snow Thursday night, but the long-term forecast is not promising. Hey, there’s always mountain biking..


Things continue to look good at Wisp, which received some additional natural snow this week. All but three trails are open at Maryland’s only ski resort, with a base depth from 20-76 inches. Wisp does not anticipate making additional snow this season.

About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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