Firsthand Account: Whitetail (Monday Evening)
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

A ski trip to Whitetail Monday evening serves as the inspiration for DCSki’s first (and with any luck, last) foray into “poetic conditions.” My apologies in advance. I’m a journalist, not a poet.

Ode to Gore-Tex

With three nights of snowmaking under their belt,

It seemed a good night to ski Whitetail, I felt.

So onto the roof rack the K-2’s did go,

As I hit I-70 in search of some snow.

Not long after Frederick, the clouds became dark,

I need something to rhyme with dark, how about park?

It wasn’t long before the wipers were on, in an effort to try,

Wiping away some "mixed precipitation" falling out of the sky.

Now, I’m no meteorologist, but there’s one thing I know,

This mixed precipitation was definitely not snow.

I continued to Whitetail, finding few people there,

When I saw white-covered slopes, I couldn’t help but stare.

The conditions weren’t half bad, even though,

It continued to rain, with no sign of snow.

The top of Angel Drop had a bit of ice,

But by and large, the rest was quite nice.

So ski I did, even though,

It continued to rain, with no sign of snow.

My glasses were foggy, and dripping with rain,

But thanks to my Gore-Tex, I felt no pain.

For when you’re wearing Gore-Tex,

You don’t need to take a rain check.

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About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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