DCSki Sponsor: The Omni Homestead Resort
Wisp Expects to Receive Over a Foot of New Snow
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Although Wisp came close to retiring the snowguns for the season, Mother Nature has decided that she isn’t through with the resort just yet. Wisp began receiving snow on Tuesday and expects to receive over a foot of powder by this weekend. The snow will settle atop Wisp’s current base of 10-65 inches. Unable to resist the cold temperatures, Wisp has resumed snowmaking on Eye Opener and Belly Flop.

The new snow comes at a great time, as Wisp is preparing for this weekend’s WinterFest Weekend. The WinterFest Weekend kicks off Friday at 7:00 p.m. with the Interstellar Slalom on Squirrel Cage. Saturday is packed with events including ski and snowboard races, a golf tourney, and even shovel races. A torch light parade and fireworks will bring Saturday night to a close. On Sunday, events continue with more races, including a pond-skimming contest.

Thanks to the new snow, Wisp plans to remain open for skiing and snowboarding for at least two more weeks. Conditions should remain excellent.

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About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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