Wisp Update
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Maryland’s Wisp Four Seasons Resort is busy digging out of 12” of new snow received during the winter storm earlier this week. 23 trails are open - 100% of Wisp’s terrain - with powder and packed powder conditions. Base depth is from 24-82 inches.

The Maryland Special Olympics kicked off Sunday night at the resort with a torch light parade and fireworks display. Athletes participated in events such as cross country skiing, sit ski races, slalom gate races, and dog sled races. Maryland Public Television was on hand to cover the event.

In other news, Wisp extends congratulations to E. J. Scofield, a Garrett County native who qualified for the Allegheny Conference Championship of alpine skiing, which will be held at Gore Mountain in April. Scofield attends Garrett Community College.

Lee Railey, Jimmy Railey, Christina Gonzaga, Holly Kuhn, John Kramer, and Kiley Kramer have also qualified for the Amateur Snowboard Association Nationals, a three-part competition to be held in Colorado’s Telluride Ski Resort from April 8-14. Slopestyle, boardercross, and big air competitions will be held, to be televised on ESPN.

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About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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