DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
Seven Springs Upgrades Avalanche Lift
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Over the past summer, Seven Springs Mountain Resort has been busy swapping out its old Avalanche chairlift with a new, state-of-the-art Doppelmayr fixed grip quad. The original Avalanche lift, which was built by CTEC and installed at Seven Springs in 1979, has now been replaced with a Doppelmayr Alpen Star model, and is expected to begin running in time for the 2021/2022 winter season. The new Avalanche lift will increase uphill capacity from 1,800 to 2,400 people per hour, shuttling skiers and snowboarders from the base of the ski area close to the top of the Tyrol Chairlift in 4 minutes and 21 seconds.

Bullwheels arrive for the new Avalanche chairlift in May, 2021. Photo provided by Seven Springs.

“Our new Doppelmayr chairlift will greatly improve our guest experience on the front face of the mountain allowing for many more runs each day,” said Joel Rerko, Director of Mountain Operations at the Pennsylvania resort.

The new lift features 7 towers, 88 chairs, and a 200 horsepower electric motor. From loading to unloading station, it will extend 1,956 feet, rising a total of 492 vertical feet.

By unloading closer to the Tyrol Chairlift, Seven Springs notes that access to the Stowe Slope and Trail will be improved, making it easier to get back to the lodge.

A crossarm is installed in June, 2021. Photo provided by Seven Springs.
About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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