DCSki Sponsor: The Omni Homestead Resort
What’s New for 2009: Timberline Resort 5
Author thumbnail By M. Scott Smith, DCSki Editor

Timberline has gained permanent access to a water source for snowmaking, and will soon celebrate the grand opening of a new hotel.

In past years, Timberline Resort has relied on water from the Spruce Island Lake to power snowmaking operations. According to the West Virginia resort, Timberline has now been granted permanent access to water from the Blackwater River. These dual sources will provide water for recent snowmaking enhancements and future expansion.

The popular White Lightning trail was recently widened, and this winter, night lighting on White Lightning (say that three times fast) will be enhanced thanks to newly installed fixtures.

The Timberline Resort Hotel and Suites, located near the Winterset Trail, should celebrate its grand opening during the 2009-2010 winter season. According to the resort, the upscale hotel features spacious rooms, queen sized beds, flat screen televisions, air conditioning, family suites, and Jacuzzi style tubs.

Timberline has been a popular venue for racing instruction, and this winter, the Junior Race Team will receive its own dedicated building near the Winterset Trail.

Finally, Timberline has continued to expand and enhance its gladed skiing terrain over the past two summers.

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About M. Scott Smith

M. Scott Smith is the founder and Editor of DCSki. Scott loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and mountain biking. He is an avid photographer and writer.

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Reader Comments

DCSki Reader
November 8, 2009
So what's new ?
DCSki Reader
November 10, 2009
And in other Timberline breaking news, the resort has replaced its bubble chair with a "slightly used" fixed-grip triple.
DCSki Reader
November 11, 2009
For your listening enjoyment timberline will host a Willie Nelson tribute weekend w/ the usual band dressed as Willie Nelson.
Kevin B.
December 14, 2009
Sorry, but you can't really tout "Snowmaking enhancements" with an opening weekend that includes drastically less slopes open then resorts that are 2000 feet lower in elevation. Hasn't Timberline been pumping water from the Blackwater for years now?
December 22, 2009
We where at this resort on Saturday. There was about 2 feet of snow but they only had a couple of green trails open from the middle of the mountain unloading station. We did see something I have never seen before. We were loading the lift when a geyser shot out of the ground beside the lift. We were told it was the main snowmaking line, which made sense because they weren't blowning snow the rest of the day while we were there. We left kind of early because they didn't have much open, and I don't know if they ever fixed the snowmaking pipe or not.

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