Firsthand Report: Snowshoe
By John Menoca, DCSki Reader

It was everything that Snowshoe should be in March. On Friday we were greeted with snow flurries in the morning, the temperature was right at freezing. The snow just teased us and left a dusting. They had groomed the mountain, and the morning conditions were great. As the day wore on the snow got softer and pushed into piles of mush.

On Saturday, it was acres of corduroy, they had made snow overnight and groomed. As many times as I have seen Snowshoe go through this magical transformation, I am always amazed. It seemed like we had been moved to a totally new mountain. It was a perfect day of skiing. Bright, brilliant blue sky and temperatures in the low 30’s - YUMMY.

Sunday was more like Snowshoe - cloudy at the top, clear once about 100 feet of altitude was given up going downhill, temperatures in the low 20’s. Had to leave mid day; of course the sun came out as we left the mountain at noon.

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