Firsthand Report: Liberty
By a DCSki Reader

Liberty has laid down a lot of snow in the last few days. With the exception of Blue Streak and White Lightning, everything on the front side is open. Two trails on the backside, Ultra and Heavenly are open top to bottom.

Conditions of the front side were about as good as it gets. No ice, no bare spots and a good carpet of man made. Slopes on the backside were well covered but the cover consisted of a very hard layer with man made on top. The man made was heavy in spots as these trails did not seem to have gotten the grooming found elsewhere. As the day wore on, the loose snow was pushed off in certain spots to reveal hardpack or ice. As usual, Heavenly got most of the traffic and developed some hard spots. Ultra was in better shape, particularly the top half, which did not get much traffic. A few bumps had formed on Upper Ultra by days end. Good snow could be found on both if you knew where to look.

The early birds definitely got the worm on the backside.

Lift lines were light on the backside, and heavy on the front at midafternoon. At their worst, however, the lift lines were moderate for a holiday.

Lots of snowguns were running all day. Trails on the back, and the skiers on them, were getting blasted.

If the predicted warm spell hits, don’t look for more trails to open. Grooming should preserve what is open now.

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