7S may attempt one more weekend!
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April 7, 2018
Member since 01/9/2018 🔗
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Skied at both 7S and HV today... decent conditions considering it’s April 7th. 

Laurel Hill Crazie - DCSki Supporter 
April 8, 2018 (edited April 9, 2018)
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,038 posts

Wife and I skied 7S today. Conditions were mid-winter variable. Groomed granular surface with some brown ice. North Face headwall was deep frozen granular that grew movable small bumps. Alpine Meadows had the best snow in the morning, firm and fast. The Alley was groomed out making it an interesting intermediate twisty, cruise. This is the first time that I can recall that 7S made an effort to keep North Face, Lost Boy, The Alley, and Sunset Slope open for late season skiing. I like it.

The newly contoured Alpine/Deer pass trail across the top of Alpine Meadow Glades had good snow, usually does, a nice novice/intermediate cruise with some steep corners to cut. Watch out for the boarders coming at you from Fawn. They usually stop before a fly by. They are going to turn back down the fall line and hit some blind air on the last apex of Fawn. We hit a hard left down a steep little drop back to the Blitzen Chair that serves The Spot. The Super Pipe is gone. It its place are two huge jumps and a quarter pipe wall back stopping the bottom of the jumps. Front side Avalanche surface was much like Alpine. Tyrol seemed to have the most traffic and skier's left was soupy granular. Stowe had the least traffic. There was a nice line of natural snow on the right until the slope steepens. I hit the machine made about mid-face, the surface firmer than Tyrol. The Tyrol triple ran today making Stowe Slope more accessible.

There was a steady breeze that was really chilly when cloudy making us appreciate te sunshine when it was bright. Typical PA winter day, partly cloudy with periods of sun and snow flurries.  By mid-day all the natural snow was getting sticky. The natural snow was white, machine made was brownish white. No spring corn today. Kathy called it around 2. She is coming along pretty well but still just a fraction of what she could do just a few years prior.  I wish we had more season left. I packed it in around 3 even though the lifts ran until 5. There seems to be enough base to squeeze out another weekend. I hope so.

JimK - DCSki Columnist
April 9, 2018
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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Way to get after it guys.  Very strange season this year with a second wind.  LHC, you've really gotten around!

Laurel Hill Crazie - DCSki Supporter 
April 9, 2018
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,038 posts

JimK wrote:

Way to get after it guys.  Very strange season this year with a second wind.  LHC, you've really gotten around!

It has been a good year. You've been around too writing great articles and photos to chronicle all of it. Just think, retirement is just beginning. 

snowsmith - DCSki Supporter 
April 9, 2018
Member since 03/15/2004 🔗
1,576 posts

I see that Snowshoe has closed for the season; HV slopes look nice but they are officially closed. Seven Springs will be closed during the week but seems to be saying they will open for the weekend. Unfortunately, we have the snow but no skiers. Most Mid-Atlanticers have put their skis away and got out the bike, the fishing rod, the tennis racket, the rake, shovel and leaf blower. Since my shoulder injury I have snuck in a few runs but missed the great conditions we had in March for the most part. I look forward to skiing the Laurels next year hoping that Laurel Mountain will stay open longer. It has been a strange weather year with a warm November, a frigid December and January, a balmy and rainy February and a season that extended in April. Certainly better than the last 3 balmy winters.

Laurel Hill Crazie - DCSki Supporter 
April 11, 2018
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,038 posts

Last day of the season for Seven Springs Saturday April 15 from 9 to 5. 

April 11, 2018
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Great timing..gonna rain Sunday..then Snow monday and tuesday!...

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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